Humanitarian aid arrives in the Gaza Strip through the Rafah land crossing.

Source: Washington Post

Trucks carrying humanitarian aid drive through the Rafah crossing on Saturday.

Source: Washington Post

A truck bearing aid enters the Gaza Strip on Saturday.

Source: Washington Post

Workers on top of a truck with humanitarian aid in Gaza on Saturday.

Source: Washington Post

More Workers on top of a truck with humanitarian aid in Gaza on Saturday.

Source: Washington Post

Trucks line up as they enter the Gaza Strip on Saturday.

Source: Washington Post

Humanitarian aid arrives in the Gaza Strip on Saturday.

Source: Washington Post

Humanitarian aid arrives in the Gaza Strip on Saturday.

Source: Washington Post

Humanitarian aid worker in the Gaza Strip on Saturday.

Source: Washington Post

More humanitarian aid worker in the Gaza Strip on Saturday.

Source: Washington Post

Humanitarian aid volunteers and workers in North Sinai, Egypt, cheer as the Rafah border crossing temporarily reopens to allow an aid convoy to enter the Gaza Strip on Saturday.

Source: Washington Post